Saturday, July 24, 2010


I love the colors pink and green together and I also LOVE flowers, so adding this photo to my blog was a must. This pattern of flowers was found going around part of the Heritage Hotel in Old Ahmedabad. The pattern reminded me of Christmas the ovals of green remind me of wreaths and the flowers resembled bells.

I found these blue and green tile patterns at the Agra Fort and liked them especially because the structure was lacking in color besides the burnt red bricks that were used to construct it. I also like the worn out look, because it leaves the idea of what they used to look like to imagination.

Amir's Palace in Jaipur was one of the most beautiful sites I had ever seen. The patterns on the palace walls were unbelievable! They were so intricately made and so colorful. I was in awe.

Jaipur King's palace was also decorated with the up most detail. However, the red/pink color that Jaipur is known for definitely dominated the structure. I love the white pattern that stands out so well in this photo. It reminds me of a shabby chic style that is popular in America.

The tiles on the floor of this Hindu temple in Ahmedabad were so mesmerizing! They almost make me dizzy when I look at them for too long. It reminds me of the old desktop backgrounds on Windows computers from the 90's.

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